Ursa Major Consulting has been involved in website development for many years, initially with hard-coded html and later using tools such as Dreamweaver and Cold Fusion. Typically, sites were built in conjunction with a given project, but some live on.
When WordPress became available, we began to use it. We watched Mambo's evolution, and followed its development to Joomla! Joomla is one of the world's most popular software packages used to build, organize, manage and publish content for websites, blogs, Intranets and mobile applications. It is free and open source. Its overall design enables great productivity. Owing to its scalable architecture its also a great base to build web applications. It is famously extensible, with thousands of add-on components available, and it is natively responsive. Today, it can even be administered via smartphone.
So while we still consider websites a supporting tool to achieve a broader objective, we also love to create them. Give us a call if we can help you. We actively participate in the Northern Virginia Joomla! Users Group.